25 Signs You Need a New Website in 2024

25 Signs You Need a New Website in 2024

  • Do I Need a new website in 2024?
  • Does my Company need a new website?
  • What are the Key Signs My Business Needs a New Website?
  • How do I Know if a website is Required?

If you are asking any of these above questions, you have come to the right place. In this mega guide of signs, you need a new website in 2024, you will learn about all the aspects that indicate it’s time for a new website.

As the world evolves and the digital age arrives, your website serves as the virtual face of your business, often making the first impression on potential customers. Just like all other aspects of your business, websites also get outdated.

Let’s try to understand it with an example!

Imagine you own a bakery known as ‘Sweet Treats’. Your current website was created 4 years ago, unfortunately now keeping up with the updates. It served its purpose back then, but as time passed, customer behaviors shifted and digital expectations evolved. Here are a few reasons why your business might need a new website:

Loading Takes Forever

Does your current website take ages to load? If ‘yes’ then it’s is an alarming situation! When it comes to the user experience page loading time is everything. No one wants to wait while your website loads for more than a couple of seconds. If your website is slow, it increases your bounce rate as visitors turn back losing interest in your business.

Back in the year 2010, Google started using site speed for rankings. If you find your website has become slow, you need a new website that is built with modern technologies and optimized for speed. This would prevent visitors from abandoning your business’s website before they explore the goodies there.

Can’t Add Content

If you are not able to add content to your website then it is a major red flag indicating your website may need an update. There are signs when your website lacks dynamic elements and is mostly not welcoming to changes. Sections on your websites must contain regular updates and fresh content, keeping visitors coming back for more.

Limited content factors also show signs that your website is outdated or is created on a restrictive platform. Furthermore, fresh and relevant content is also friendly for search engine optimization (SEO). When you aren’t able to add content, it affects your search rankings and your website might struggle to rank well in search engines.

Not Mobile Friendly

With people accessing the website through mobile devices than ever before, having a mobile-friendly website is not an option anymore. If your website is not responsive to smartphones then it becomes an acute necessity to get a new one. Websites that aren’t mobile-friendly require the user to zoom and pinch to read the information provided on it as per their screen size.

Years ago, Google began to drop the rankings of websites that weren’t mobile-friendly. In the year 2019 the search engine giant also switched to a mobile-first index which meant websites that were responsive to mobiles were indexed first.

Now how to identify your website isn’t mobile friendly?

If you notice high bounce rates on mobile devices, decreased search rankings, poor user experience on mobile, incompatibility with mobile features, and less conversion from mobile traffic then it’s time to get a new website.

Not Converting

In the above section, we have already talked about ‘not converting’. It means if your visitors are not converting into customers, it’s a sign your website is outdated and needs an update. This is one of the most obvious signs that you need a new website.

Trends in web design are evolving as any other factor on the internet. With this change, if your website hasn’t been updated for a few years then it might look unprofessional and visitors might bounce back.

Some factors such as Poor mobile experience and slow loading time might also result in visitors not converting into customers. These factors might also affect the visibility of your website in search rankings.


A website that looks outdated can hurt your brand impression. If our website design hasn’t been changed for a long time it needs to be upgraded with new features and modern trends. Some signs of outdated designs are graphics that belong to the bygone era, clunky design elements, and an overall aesthetic that doesn’t match the current design trends.

Signs to check whether your website is outdated are poor user experience, slow loading times, and high bounce rates.

If your website lacks the necessary features that users expect, navigating through tabs is frustrating and visitors are leaving your website shortly after arriving then it’s a sign they’re not finding what they’re looking for.

Is Not Responsive

With the rise in the number of users of mobile devices, a non-responsive design is a sign audience are losing interest in your business. Trends in web design have evolved rapidly and if your website doesn’t adapt well to the changes then it could drive away users.

Ensure that you create a new website that doesn’t take too long to load, is friendly for users, easy to navigate, and focuses on a mobile-first policy. If your website is up to date, it offers a smooth browsing experience allowing for more conversion.

Your website is Slow

If your website isn’t fast, it might affect a lot of factors that are beneficial for your business. Page speed is the measurement of how fast the content on your web pages loads. Websites that are lightweight and well-optimized load quickly and are more likely to rank higher on search results and positively affect conversation rates.

Page speed is also a huge factor for Google’s mobile-first index. To ensure your website speed you must avoid blocked resources, avoid adding too many plugins, use compressed images, minify your codes, and avoid too many third-party embeds.

If all these above-mentioned methods do not work it’s time to create a new website!

You want to Change your Messaging

The digital realm is dynamic and your website serves as the virtual forefront. It is a digital ambassador for your business and represents your brand to the world. Just like its other aspects you need to check if it has undergone a rebranding or has evolved its messaging to resonate in a better way with your target audience.

If your website is outdated it doesn’t align with your current brand identity. This would lead to getting your customers confused and they fail to identify your business effectively. Some of the signs that you want to change your messaging are inconsistent user experience, poor website performance, bad loading speed, outdated visual appeal, and low conversion rates.

Your Site is not Easily Navigable

If your website is hard to navigate then it might be time for a new website in 2024. If visitors have difficulty in navigating through your site or can’t find what they are looking for then it is time for a change. Intuitive navigation is a crucial aspect of enhancing user experience and turning them into leads.

This might happen due to a lot of reasons such as your website has an outdated layout, is not mobile-friendly, takes too long to load, is susceptible to security breaches, and has outdated technology.

Your Branding has Changed

Has your business undergone a rebranding? If your answer is ‘yes’ then you need to get a new website. A rebrand includes an update in the logos, colour schemes, fonts, and overall visual elements to create a cohesive brand image.

If your branding has changed then your new website should reflect it. A new website with improved graphics and user interface can help visitors engage and convert into successful leads. If your design is responsive and working well on all mobile devices then it is more likely that it engages visitors.

You have Added Services

If you have added services to your company or brand and your website doesn’t feature it then it’s an alarming sign. Your customers as well as website visitors must know about all the services in your bucket. Your website sends a clear message about your brand to potential customers.

Make sure all the services you offer are listed on your website. If your website misses any of the services you provide to your customers, you might be missing out on valuable data and functionality. Get a website design or revamp and add all the missing items.

Your competitors have Upgraded

Knowing that your competitors have upgraded their websites is a compelling reason to get a new website in 2024. If you discover that your competitors have modern and user-friendly websites its time to surpass them with a more functional website.

An advanced website improves your brand impression and reflects positively on your business. If you have a website that is user-friendly and more attractive than your competitors then you have a chance to keep visitors engaged and satisfied.

Your Site has Poor SEO

If your website isn’t optimized for Search Engines like Google and Bing how can your customers find your business? These days you cannot imagine running a business without an online presence. A website is the digital forefront of your brand and if isn’t ranking in the top searches you are losing customers.

Search engines do not rank websites that have an outdated structure. They favour websites with clean, organized structures that make it easy for them to crawl and index content. If your website is obsolete then it could hinder your SEO efforts. This could be the perfect time when you need to new website.

Your Site Has Broken Links and Dead Plugins

If your website has broken links then it could be a significant reason for a redesign. When you have a lagging website it often results in a frustrating experience for users. Broken links and dead plugins can frustrate users as clicking on them leads to a dead end.

It hinders the user experience and can also harm your website traffic as the visitors are less likely to engage with your content or services. Broken links can also harm your search engine rankings as they prefer websites that offer good user experience.

You have no Call to Action

The lack of call-to-action elements is a significant reason to consider a website redesign. Without a prominent call to action that guides visitors towards taking action such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or leaving contact information you are missing out on potential customers.

When you don’t have a CTA, you leave your visitors confused. A call to action lets your website visitors know exactly what action to take next. A clear call to action can streamline the user’s journey on your website.

You want to add an Appointment Feature

Providing an appointment feature on your website is of great help to customers, especially when you are selling a service or consultation. It makes it easier for the user to connect with your business and enhances their overall experience.

Many users now provide appointment features or online booking on the website as a standard service. You can stay ahead of the competition by offering this feature. Implementing an appointment feature is also a modern sign for your brand.

You want to take Orders or Receive Deposits Online

Likely, your old website isn’t modern enough to take orders online. If you want that your website doesn’t support e-commerce functionality such as payment gateways, order management systems, and shopping carts then a website redesign is important to implement.

If you have a website that has an online ordering system it is seamless for your customers. Getting a new website with these features could enhance the user experience for placing orders leading to higher conversion and satisfied customers.

Poor user Experience

A bad user experience is a major reason why you should get a website redesign. You can identify it if your website has a high bounce rate, low conversation rates, negative feedback from visitors, outdated design trends, issues with mobile users, and a slow loading time.

If visitors are leaving your website soon, after arriving on any of your web pages it indicates that something is missing. It may be because of your slow loading time, confusing layout, issues with smartphones or tablets, and slow loading time that frustrates the users. You can address these issues simply with a website redesign.

You aren’t using Video

When you are considering a website redesign it is important to understand the importance of multimedia content. Videos are undoubtedly a great source of learning and website visitors like to watch videos instead of reading content.

However, before you dive into adding videos to your website you must clear your objectives. If you are aiming to showcase your services or products then you must use video content on your site. Product high-quality videos and select the appropriate video format to avoid latency and buffering.

You aren’t displaying Testimonials

Indeed, you cannot decline the importance of Testimonials. Testimonials can have an enormous effect on the credibility and trustworthiness of your business. If your old website doesn’t have space to display testimonials then it is a clear sign you need to new one in 2024.

Positive testimonials are a great turn-on for your customers. When they hear real-life reviews, they are more likely to trust your brand. Trust is a great factor, especially in online transactions. Effectively make use of testimonials and show how others had a positive experience with your business.

You aren’t using QR codes in your Marketing

The absence of QR codes could be a reason to consider a new website this year. QR codes are important they can integrate your offline and online marketing efforts. They are an easy way for users to access specific content such as certain content or sections of your business.

Let’s try to understand it with an example.

Suppose you have a shoe brand and when a customer looking for all products in the ‘men’s’ category arrives on your website. A QR code can make his search easy. Once he scans the QR he will be directed to the section he was looking for.

By adding QR codes to your website you can enhance user experience and make navigating through your website easier.

It’s been more than 3 years since your last Website Design

For most businesses, we recommend a website design every 3 years. Website design trends are dynamic and they often come and go. Design trends often grow old after a couple of years and a redesign can offer your business a fresh and contemporary look.

When you update your website, it enables you to leverage the latest advancements in technology which ensures your users get the best browsing experience. Expectations of users change with time and this is why updating your website is always helpful.

Not conveying the Excitement or Energy that your Business Deserves

Some factors show your website is not conveying the excitement or energy that your business deserves. If your website is not looking fresh and reflects the personality of your business then it’s time to get a new design.  When you discover that your business lacks excitement then you can add interactive elements, add compelling storytelling, enhance user experience, pay attention to the slow loading time, and get a responsive design.

If your website does not Publicize your Social Media outlets

Failing to publicize social media outlets on your website could be a major reason why you need to new website. We all know that social media is a powerful tool that allows businesses to engage with the masses and build brand awareness.

Until now you know that your website is the hub of your online presence. However, your brand extends through various networks including social media. When you promote your business on social media you connect with customers on a large scale. If your website lacks publicizing social media outlets then you must get a redesign that does the same.

Anisur Rahman

Anisur is an developer, facilitator, trainer, author, and business marketing expert. He worked in computer and business development for 12 years now. He has a degree in Information Technology. He has worked on more than 150 projects, many of them with fortune 500 companies. He has worked with startup and developed businesses and helped them fine tune their marketing efforts. Anisur’s passion is in helping businesses better understand and connect with their audiences. In doing so he helps them maximize efficiency by giving them valuable insight up front, long before mistakes costly mistakes are made. Founder, ThoseWebDudes

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