Dotcom Extensions - What they Mean for your Business, Tips to Choose the Right Extension

Dotcom Extensions – What they Mean for your Business, Tips to Choose the Right Extension

Whenever we start a business and decide to launch it on the web, one of the most important factors involved in the process is selecting a domain name. There are many domain name suggestions by family and friends. You can also get help from some of the best domain name suggestion generator tools available in the market.

Still, choosing the right extension remains a mystery!

In today’s post, I have compiled a list of all domain extensions and explained what they mean for your business and a comprehensive guide to selecting the right extension.

Dotcom Extensions and What they Mean for your Business

Whenever you think of building a website the first thing that comes into your mind must be a domain ending with .com. Why is this so? This may be because we have cultivated a mindset that says having a “.com” domain extension lends credibility to your business. Hence it is the default choice for most users when searching for a website.

There is some truth in the statement that ‘many people trust “.com” websites more than other extensions.

Dotcom domains mean a lot to your business because of their credibility and global reach. It is recognized throughout the globe. Whether your audience is local or international ‘Dot Com’ domain ensures you are credible across borders.

In terms of SEO this domain extension doesn’t directly help. However, they have an indirect impact, as usually users tend to search for businesses by adding dotcom at the end of the search term. So, if you have a dotcom extension then it would drive more users resulting in more potential customers.

A Guide to Choosing the Right Domain Extension

Selecting the right domain extension is crucial for establishing the online presence of your business. Here are some steps that help you select the most suitable domain extension for your website:

Consider your Audience

When choosing a domain extension, you need to think about the demographic you are targeting. If your audience is within India then you can choose a (.in) domain, for United States (.us) and United Kingdom (.uk). However, if you are seeking to get a generic top-level domain then you can opt for a (.com) domain.

Brand Identity

While you are selecting a domain for your business keep in mind that your domain extension must align with your brand identity. For instance, if you are working in the education section the a (.edu) domain would be the perfect fit. Ensure that the domain you are using has a positive effect on your brand rather than detracting from it.

Purpose of your Website

Domain extensions for a website must also be chosen as per its purpose. Let’s try to understand it with an example. If you are running a business then the extension dotcom is preferred due to its widespread usage and familiarity. If it is an organization then use a dot org extension. Both of these domain extensions are good as per their purpose.


The first step towards selecting a domain is checking for its availability. Sometimes preferred domain extensions are too expensive burning a hole in your pocket. If you are tight on budget and can’t afford to spend extra on your domain then you can consider alternative extensions. We recommend you to above choosing obscure extensions just because your preferred one isn’t available.

SEO Considerations

We have already discussed this factor in the paragraph above. Domain extensions do not directly affect SEO. Some argue that certain domain extensions such as dot com, are considered more trustworthy. If you are targeting a specific geographic region then you can select your domain extension as per it.

Common Domain Extensions

Here we have listed some of the most commonly used domain extensions. Domain extensions were created to divide websites based on their type of organization. The main idea behind creating different domain extensions was to help websites get broken down first by entity and then by organization name.

There are more than 1000 domain extensions available. However, we have noted down some of the common domain extensions:


What does dot com domain extension mean? A .com domain extension means ‘commercial’. When it was introduced, it was dedicated to commercial websites. As years passed .com domain extension gained popularity and now is serving around half of the websites on the web. Its authoritative presence makes it to be the go-to choice of every online business.


After (.com) dot net domain is the most used one. A dot net domain stands for ‘network’ and was created for websites that were involved in network-based technology. Companies that worked for ISPs, email services, and database services used a .net extension after their domain.


Dot org domain extension means organization. It was originally used by non-profit organizations however, later the restriction was lifted. Dot org domain extensions are mainly used by non-profits, NGOs, community groups, schools, open-source projects, and individuals. Anyone can register a .org domain making it a versatile option for businesses of all niches.


The history of .co extension began in the year 2010 as an alternative to .com domain extensions. Dot co-domain extension stands for ‘company’ or ‘corporation’. Just like other popular extensions .co domain is used by online businesses. It was originally intended for entities located in Colombia and is now used for organizations, businesses, and startups looking for a short and memorable domain name.


The .edu domain extension is a TLD reserved for educational institutions in the United States. To register for a dot edu domain one needs to meet a few eligibility criteria that is set by the Educause. Primarily .edu domains are used by educational bodies that are looking forward to establishing their online presence.  Commonly the extension is used for official websites, academic resources, student portals, and other educational purposes.

Country-code Top-level Domains

Here are some of the ccTLDs which are domain extensions designated for specific countries or territories. Scroll down to find a brief overview of each:


The domain extension is dedicated to entities operating within Australia. businesses, organizations, and individuals situated in the nation use it.


Businesses operating in the United Kingdom use the domain extension .uk. Entities in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland commonly use the domain extension.


It is used by entities operating in Israel. Commonly businesses and organizations use this domain extension.


The domain extension is used by businesses as well as individuals within India.


Primarily the dot US domain extension is used by entities operating in the United States. However, in the US dot com domain is used for commercial websites.


Dot Es domain extension is used by entities and businesses in Spain. This is a country code reserved for a particular nation.


Dot DE extension stands for Germany. Entities operating within Germany can use this domain extension.


Dot DP could be a great choice if you are operating within Japan. Individuals and organizations operating within Japan can use this extension.



Anisur Rahman

Anisur is an developer, facilitator, trainer, author, and business marketing expert. He worked in computer and business development for 12 years now. He has a degree in Information Technology. He has worked on more than 150 projects, many of them with fortune 500 companies. He has worked with startup and developed businesses and helped them fine tune their marketing efforts. Anisur’s passion is in helping businesses better understand and connect with their audiences. In doing so he helps them maximize efficiency by giving them valuable insight up front, long before mistakes costly mistakes are made. Founder, ThoseWebDudes

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